

Three days after Greg’s graduation, we packed two tiny bags and put my new passport cover to good use! We spent just over two weeks traveling through five countries (Ireland, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia) on an unbelievably amazing trip. And though there isn’t a single recipe or DIY project buried in this post, I just …

Europe! Read More »

Seakettle is 1!

Happy Birthday to my little blog, and thanks everyone for reading! I know everyone always says this about first birthdays, but I can’t believe how fast it went. This is our 100th blog post! And what better time and place to make an announcement? Seakettle’s shop is finally open for business! We only have a …

Seakettle is 1! Read More »

Coming Soon: Shop Seakettle!

I’m excited to announce that the online Seakettle shop — future home to lovely products like this keyboard art — is in development! The date of “soon” is still TBD, but you can bet we’ll be ready for Christmas shopping in the fall! I’ll keep you posted.

A guest!

It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now, we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair, as I can finally present— my blog! It’s been a long time coming, but I’m happy to finally share with you my own little spot on the web. I’ll …

A guest! Read More »