I saw these ingenious cookie-cutter candy bark pieces on the Etsy blog and had to create my own. Even though I attempted something very similar to the original, I love the endless possibilities! With slight modifications, I’ve also made peppermint Christmas bark and dark chocolate Valentine’s Day bark. Shamrocks with green melts and candy pieces, anyone?
The limiting factor is definitely the number of cookie cutters, but these harden quickly in the freezer!
P.S. In the years since I’ve updated Seakettle, I’ve had millions of post-worthy moments: backyard parties, holiday desserts, homemade gifts. I’ve also re-created a number of previous blog projects and come to realize just how much I depend on my Seakettle notes, links and photos! So I’ve decided to throw up a bunch of old and random posts, for my future self’s sake! They will likely lack the story-telling and in-depth instructions, but they’ll get the ideas out there and maintain this site as a reference.