Irish Flag Marshmallow Pops

Irish Flag Marshmallow Pops

It cracks me up that kids find anything on a lollipop stick absolutely irresistible. I can’t help but notice it at parties over the last couple years, especially as desserts in pop-form have become so popular!

Cake pops? He’ll take 3. Donut pops? Yup, as many as she can hold. Marshmallow pops? Every time they run by.

Irish Flag Marshmallow Pops

These easy-to-grab treats fly off the table, often as their more-complex and — let’s be honest — better-tasting companions dwindle. That’s what makes them perfect, though. Pops are super cute and easy — it’s great that kids adore them! Save the Baileys Cheesecake with Guinness Ganache for the adults. (And speaking of Baileys, I have a quick chocolate + Irish cream recipe coming up — happy March!)

Irish Flag Marshmallow Pops

Lollipop Sticks
Green candy melts
Orange candy melts
A thick slab of styrofoam or several coffee cups, to hold the drying pops


1. Melt a handful of green candy melts in a small, deep bowl according to the package instructions.

2. Dip one end of a marshmallow straight down into the melted green until 1/3 of the marshmallow is covered, then lift straight back out. The flag lines won’t be perfect, but the more carefully you dip and lift, the closer they’ll be to straight.

3. Dip the last half-inch or so of a lollipop stick into green candy melt, and then insert it into the still-wet, green-dipped side of the marshmallow.

4. Set the marshmallow down on the un-dipped end, and let dry.

5. After the green hardens on the marshmallows, melt a handful of the orange candy melts.

6. Hold each marshmallow by the stick and dip the un-dipped side into the orange candy melt.

7. Stick the marshmallow pop into styrofoam to keep upright until the candy dries. If your lollipop sticks are long enough, I’ve also just set them down into coffee cups. It isn’t as secure, and you’ll need several cups, but it works in a pinch.

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